
  1. Academic/Federal Instrument Hourly Rates and Sample Preparation Charges
TESCAN Vega SEM *$40/ hour (Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

$20/ hour (outside of office hours and weekends)

Late cancellation fee: $40
$75/ hour (Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

$37.5/ hour (outside of office hours and weekends)

Late cancellation fee: $75
TESCAN Clara FE-SEM *$55/ hour (Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

$27.5/ hour (outside of office hours and weekends)

Late cancellation fee: $55
$90/ hour (Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

$45/ hour (outside of office hours and weekends)

Late cancellation fee: $90
Pace Technology GIGA-0900 vibratory polisher$20/ hour$40/ hour
Pelcon Automatic Thin Section Machine$5/per sample$10/per sample
Carbon coating$10/ cycle$10/ cycle
Gold coating **$15/ 30 sec cycle$15/ 30 sec cycle
* Instrument charges for beam time
** Up to 12x 12.7mm stubs

Users are responsible for canceling their appointments. Failure to do so will result in charges as shown in the table above. Cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.

2. Corporate/ Private Instrument Hourly Rates and Sample Preparation Charges

TESCAN Vega SEM *$110/ hour (Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

$55/ hour (outside of office hours and weekends)

Late cancellation fee: $110
$180/ hour (Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

$90/ hour (outside of office hours and weekends)

Late cancellation fee: $180
TESCAN Clara FE-SEM *$135/ hour(Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

$67.5/ hour (outside of office hours and weekends)

Late cancellation fee: $135
$195/ hour (Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

$97.5/ hour (outside of office hours and weekends)

Late cancellation fee: $195
Pace Technology GIGA-0900 vibratory polisher$50/ hour$100/ hour
Pelcon Automatic Thin Section Machine$15/ sample$20/sample
Carbon coating$20/ cycle$20/ cycle
Gold coating **$30/ 30 sec cycle$30/ 30 sec cycle
* Instrument charges for beam time
** Up to 12x 12.7mm stubs

Users are responsible for canceling their appointments. Failure to do so will result in charges as shown in the table above. Cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.

3. Academic/Federal rates for training and data processing

Training up to 1 hour$50
Late cancellation fee: $50
Late cancellation fee: $60
Training over 1 hour$80$90
Data Interpretationsame as trainingsame as training
Result Reportsame as trainingsame as training

Users are responsible for canceling their appointments. Failure to do so will result in charges as shown in the table above. Cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.

4. Corporate/Private rates for training and data processing

Training up to 1 hour$150
Late cancellation fee: $150
Late cancellation fee: $150
Training over 1 hour$210$210
Data Interpretationsame as trainingsame as training
Result Reportsame as trainingsame as training

Users are responsible for canceling their appointments. Failure to do so will result in charges as shown in the table above. Cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.
